a. About Us

Welcome to our community!
The Romanian Christian Academic Network is a group of evangelicals, PhD students, scholars and professors who serve God in the Romanian academic arena.


To promote excellence in teaching and research among evangelical academics in Romania.


To recognize and respond to the issues that affect nowadays Europe and the evangelical population.


To prepare Christian academics in Europe who can communicate in a convincing way the Christian perspective on life in a pluralistic setting, as well as its biblical basis.


To encourage academics to get involved both in the church and in society, through an interaction based on knowledge and discernment towards those who hold conflicting opinions in the academic field.


To help evangelical Christians affirm the strategic value of education as a holy calling and mission.


To be a platform for training professional teams who can write quality scientific papers, grant applications, and who can disciple others.

b. Objective

The objective of the Academic Network is to encourage, build relationships and equip evangelical academics in four critical areas:


1. Quality of research and teaching


2. Worldview and life


3. Spiritual disciplines and zeal for Christ


4. Fellowship through mentoring and collaborative relationships




PhD students



c. Events & Opportunities

Events and opportunities to serve

National Reunion - Romanian Christian Academic Network – Alpiniș, February 2024



A new academic year has begun, in which, as faithful believers, we not only feel the responsibility to deliver quality teaching and research (in an increasingly hostile Gospel context) but also the mission to make disciples both among students and faculty.


The good news is that there are at least 180 evangelical academics in Romania who have embraced this vision. Perhaps you remember the joy and encouragement of being together before the pandemic. Now, we are thrilled to announce the start of registrations for a new national conference (including the diaspora of Romanian academics)!


We all need encouragement. Even as academics, we sometimes need not only study time but also deep spiritual conversations and prayer. This gathering aims to create such a community. J.R.R. Tolkien confessed that he would not have completed his masterpiece ‘The Lord of the Rings’ or even offered it for publication if it hadn’t been for the encouragement of his friend, C.S. Lewis. None of us can reach our potential without friends in faith brought by God at the right time in our lives.


We will return shortly with the detailed program. It will be similar to previous editions: it will include plenary sessions, multiple workshops, discipline-specific meetings, one-on-one mentoring, exploration of publishing opportunities, research grant applications, …


So, we invite you to register for this extraordinary conference and to invite other academics, researchers, or doctoral students whom you believe could be blessed by it.


Date: February 01 – 03, 2024


Location: Conference Center Alpinis, Păltiniș, Sibiu


Registration: click here


Cost: 200 RON/person (conference, accommodation and 3 meals)


Space is limited; therefore, the first 44 registrants will be accommodated in the new Alpiniș guesthouse, with the cost increasing for those accommodated in other guesthouses in the area afterward.


If you wish to arrive a few days earlier for skiing with your family in Păltiniș, please write to us at office @ christianacademics.ro



RoAcademics Organizing Team

You can be part of the greater family of European Christian Academics, too!

The Romanian Christian Academic Network is a spin-off of a larger family of a similar initiative European-wide to unite, equip, and resource evangelical academics. It brings together evangelical PhD students, scholars and professors who serve God in the European academic arena.


The great news is that every year, as part of the European Leadership Forum, this European network meets in Wisla, Poland.


Click here for more details.




You can be part of the Cambridge Scholars Network, too!

It is crucial for the worldwide evangelical church to develop its next generation of intellectual leaders. Presently, evangelicals who undertake PhD studies and scholarly careers at leading universities are given a “fatherly push” into deep water where they are left alone to sink or swim.  Sadly, many struggle to stay afloat as they experience intense sociological pressure to give up or compromise their basic convictions.


Bruce Winter, former Warden of Tyndale House, writes:

“A doctoral programme can greatly increase the knowledge of the next generation of scholars, but it is possible for this process to be accompanied by a spiritual regression akin to a frog turning into a tadpole, with all head and no heart for the Lord and His kingdom.”

In order to prevent this metamorphosis, it is necessary to provide young, evangelical scholars with mentorship, encouragement, and the fellowship of like-minded peers. The Cambridge Scholars Network attempts to do just this.


Click here for more details..




The Academics in the Alps 2023 Conference

A Spiritual and Intellectual Retreat!


The Leadership Anvil’s conference for the Christian academics is a great opportunity because:


– You will connect and network with other Christian academics from across Europe;


– You will be encouraged, realizing you are not alone; there are others faithfully serving Christ in higher education;


– You will sharpen your Christian worldview and your apologetics skills;


– You will find resources which will aid in your research and teaching;


– You will hone your skills with workshops on best practices and spiritual development.


WHEN? 28-31 august 2023


WHERE? Credo House, Wilderswil, Elveția


For more info about the speakers, the workshops and the schedule please click here.

d. Resources

We are providing you with some resources that we hope you will find useful.

MOVIE: Against the Tide: Finding God in an Age of Science, with John Lennox

Now available in the Romanian language for your group.


Against the Tide


Contact us for details and a Q&A session.




Great Books That Will Change Your Life

What we read shapes our thinking and ultimately our lives. One of the most overlooked aspects of Christian leadership is attention to what we are reading.


What you are reading is a good indicator of your spiritual health. In this workshop, we will share some of the great Christian classics—biographies, history, literature, personal development, global issues—that we have read and love—books that have shaped our lives and that could change your life as well. Reading these Christian classics will take you deeper with God and make you a more effective leader.


Speaking Truth in the Public Arena: Continuing the Reformation

As Christian scholars we are uniquely equipped and qualified to address moral, social and cultural issues in the public marketplace of ideas. Naturally, we need to speak from a biblical perspective, a Christian worldview.


How can we as academics show the plausibility of the truth claims of the Christian faith? How can we articulate biblical truth and show how the Gospel relates with current issues in politics, culture, law, media, society, medicine, entertainment, education, and other fields?



Panel member’s biographies.

How to Think Biblically about Any Academic Discipline

Scripture provides us with the most immediate access to the mind of God available to us. As such, the personal reading and meditation of the Word of the one who is the Creator and Sustainer of everything falls into a different category than the words and ideas found in other abstracting disciplines such as theology, biblical exegesis, and philosophy.


In this talk we think about our exposure to God’s Word which does not come to us through theological or philosophical categories, but nevertheless has a deep formative influence on how we approach our discipline – listening to God’s Word feeds us on every level.



Outline: Dr. Dirk Jongkind.

Does the Church Need Scholars?

Most of Daryl’s colleagues in the European Academic Network testify to encountering various forms of anti-intellectualism in their churches and families.


This talk makes a case for why scholarship is so crucial for the Church. It also explores why there is anti-intellectualism in Christian circles and how we can respond lovingly and patiently to fellow believers who are anti-intellectual or skeptical about higher education.



Outline: Dr. Daryl McCarthy.

How to Think Theologically About Any Field of Study?

Real World Theology


This talk answers the question of why Christian scholars need to think theologically by considering the following: Biblical Christianity is based on the Truth, that is, God’s self-revelation of Himself through the Lord Jesus Christ and through the inerrant Scriptures. This theological concept of ‘the Truth’ involves also the attributes of unity and consistency. All thinkers have, and all kinds of thinking necessarily involve, some ultimate presuppositions which affect all our thoughts, interpretations, and actions.


As Christian scholars of any discipline, we are obliged to ’bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ’ and to reject epistemic idolatry. That is why we have to understand clearly our specifically Christian theological presuppositions and their consistent implications for various fields of thought.



Outline: Dr. Ahvio Juha.

1. write to us:

2. call us:

+40 744 625 947

3. we are here:

București, Iași, Suceava, Cluj, Timisoara, Arad și Oradea.